interview in parasol magazine issue 6

febrero 16, 2010

Parasol es una revista web (para descargar en pdf) dedicada a presentar diseñadores y artistas, establecidos y emergentes; así como segmentos sobre modos de vida-creativa. a la difusión de negocios con proyectos independientes. 
gracias por la invitación Yasmine Surovec

Parasol Magazine en línea here

Parasol is a downloadable pdf magazine dedicated to featuring established and emerging designers and artists as well as segments on creative lifestyles and small businnes owners. 
thanks for invitation Yasmine Surovec

Parasol Magazine online here

2 comentarios:

Bang Bang Bang Firgal Moonlop Bang Bang Bang dijo...

hola, I just read this article in the magazine. I love your illustrations and am now going to follow your blog if i may!

Good luck with everything and best wishes!

Ricardo Vázquez Ortega dijo...

Hey, thanks for the comment. When I saw the article in Parasol, I was thrilled, the maganize shows a lot of good portfolios.
I'll keep working hard on more illustrations, I'm experimenting a bit with graphite to see what comes out.

Loved your website Bang Bang Bang Bang, I've been reading your posts, I like them!

Thanks a lot and the best for you!

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